Mission, Vision and Goals


The mission of the itAccessibility Program is to serve as a resource to the University community in achieving an accessible electronic and information technology (EIT) environment.

Through consultation, resource development, and training, the itAccessibility Program will address accessibility in the following areas:

  1. Websites, including other forms of electronic information
  2. Instructional materials
  3. Electronic media
  4. Software, hardware and systems
  5. Procurement


We envision a culture of access in which all electronic, information, and communication resources are seamlessly available to everyone.


  1. Promote the value of developing, using, maintaining, and purchasing accessible electronic, information and communication technologies, including Websites, software, and instructional materials.
  2. Develop training resources and offer training opportunities to campus personnel, including faculty, staff and administrators.
  3. Partner with Procurement and Contracting Services to enhance the accessibility of all EIT resources purchased by campus personnel and identify effective alternative services when access is not technically possible.
  4. Partner with faculty and instructional designers to promote the accessibility and universal design of in-person, hybrid, and online courses and training opportunities. 
  5. Audit University EIT resources and work with responsible parties to improve accessibility when problems are identified.

Disability Resources (DRC) is YOUR resource for ensuring accessible content!

For Support or Consultation: