Ensuring equal and effective electronic and information technology access requires all of us: faculty, staff, administrators, and students. Technology is a part of almost every aspect of our work and academic environments which means we all have a roll to play. So, if you email, teach, design events, post online content or videos, select software, or do any of many, many things that happen on campus involving technology, information, or communication, you can help ensure accessibility. More information is available at each of the following links, and DRC is available to consult individually by filling out the IT Accessibility Consultation Request Form.
What you can do:
- Send accessible emails
- Create accessible documents (Word, PowerPoint, PDF)
- Check your Website for accessibility. Contact DRC for assistance in finding solutions for identified errors
- Post only accessible content to Websites and course management systems
- Use only captioned videos
- Purchase only accessible products, systems, and software